Minimum Housing Standards Ordinance_November 1978 to February 1979MINIMUM HOUSING STANDARDS ORDINANCE 24 Date Ord. adopted on 1st reading, public hearing and 11/1/78 second reading scheduled tor Nov. 15, 1978. at 2:00 p.m. re: amending Sec. 17B-13 of City Code to provide an additional pplementary method of service upon certain or1orwesu,s of property sub- ject to Chapter 17B of said Code the same being the Minimum Housing Code of CMB; amending Sec. 17B -13(L) of City Code to require absentee owners to designate a local agent; repealing all ordinances in conflict; and providing for an effective date (requested by Mayor Haber). Hearing held and concluded, Ord. #78-2144 11/15/78 adopted, amending Sec. 17B-13 of Code to MINIMUM HOUSING STANDARDS ORDINANCE (continued) provide an additional or supplementary method of service of violation notices upon certain owners of property subject to Chap. 17B of Code, same being Minimum Housing and Commercial Property Standards Ord.; amending Sec. 17B -13(L) of Code, to require absentee owners to desig- nate a local agent, (1st reading 11/1/78). Con- sideration of V.M. Weisburd's proposed amend- ment to record violation notices with Clerk of Circuit Court deferred to 12/20/78. City Mgr. and City Atty. requested to review and submit recommendations. (See Real Property Owners - Local Addresses) 25 Date 11/15/78 MINIMUM HOUSING STANDARDS ORDINANCE 26 Date Memo #7334, Ord. passed on 1st reading, amend- 2/7/79 Chapter 17B of Code of CMB being The Minimum Housing Standards Ord. of CMB, by amending Sec. 17B-13 thereof so as to specify the time within which the Code Enforcement Officer shall record notices of violation, and also amending Sec. 17B-16 thereof so as to provide for the recording in the public records of Dade Co. Fla., any order of The Minimum Housing Appeals Brd., affirming or modifying any action or decision of the Code Enforcement Officer, and providing for the assessment of the cost of the recording and satisfaction thereof by the legal r beneficial owner of the p emises,involved. Requested by V. M. Weisburd) Hearing and