Motor Scooters_May to June 1966MOTOR SCOOTERS Book Page 1.
Request of Murray Weiss that Council
authorize licensing of rental of
motor scooters in M. B.
Safety Committee. 5-4-66 50 299
Safety Committee recommends that licensing
of rental of motor scooters be approved,
with provision to lease them to adults over
21. City Atty. instructed to prepare ordi-
nance. Motion to defer until safety standards
have been established by Safety Committee and
Police Dept., fails. Report from Police
Chief opposing proposal presented. Ordinance
to be submitted to Chief of Police and Chair-
man of Safety Committee for study before pre -
sentation to Council.
6-22-66 50 388
lst and 2nd reading of ordinance
providing for license fee for
Motor Scooter Rental Agencies.
9-7-66 51 12
lst and 2nd reading of ordinance
providing safety provisions for
establishments renting motor
scooters re. operation of motor
scooters. 9-7-66 51 12
Ordinance to be prepared making it
mandatory for driver and/or passenger
on motor scooter to wear crash helmet 51 12