Convention Hall Contracts_June to October 1968CONVENTION HALL CONTRACTS Change orders #56 & #57 to Millman Construction Co. for Expansion approved --increase of $4,793.73. 6-26-68 53 270 Contract awarded to Harry S. Schwartz for placing stamp & postcard vending machines in Auditorium & Convention Hall on basis of 10% of income. Res. #12471 adopted authorizing execution of appropriate agreement for one year. 7-3-68 53 289 Contract awarded to Riley's Ornamental Iron, Inc. for construction of approximately 120 steel chair dollies for Hall for $7,941.60. 9-4-68 53 418 14 BOOK PAGE CONVENTION HALL CONTRACTS 15 BOOK PAGE $3,650 expenditure to return ducts to positions prior to GOP Convention in Expansion approved. Contract awarded to United Sheet Metal Company -- GOP Convention --funds appropriated from Goods & Services Account. 9-4-68 53 444 $426.80 increase approved to Best Fence Co. for additional lineal footage of fencing for Auditorium and Convention Hall Complex. (Con- tract awarded on May 1, 1968 for $12,526.) 10-11-68 53 539 CONVENTION HALL CONTRACTS Parking Committee recommendation approved to remove fence on 17th Street and relocation west of Convention Hall Parking lot to allow for North-South street between Convention Hall lot and Meridian Avenue lots recently purchased by City. Appropriation not to exceed $4,000 authorized from Parking Revenue Bond Funds. 10-16-68 City Manager to contact Auditorium and Convention Hall Advisory Board re. necessity for installing six coin-operated shoe shine machines. City Manager recommended rejection of bid from Pride Vending Company; motion seconded. 11-6-68 16 BOOK PAGE 53 544 53 565