Mt. Sinai Hospital_October 1956 to August 1958MT. SINAI HOSPITAL 18 Book Page $4,300 appropriated to defray add'1 expenses incurred in connection with Mt. Sinai Hospital Emergency Room service (u.c.f.) 10-17-56 38 467 Res. #9350 approving in principle, relocation of roads in front of Mt. Sinai Hospital 11-7-56 38 497 $20,000 provided in 1956-57 budget for emergency clinic, made available 11-7-56 38 505 MT. SINAI HOSPITAL 19 Book Page Council approves change in method of hospitals billing the City. New basis of payment outlined and approved. 8-21-57 39 524 No objections made to variance granted by Zoning Board to Mt. Sinai Hospital to permit northeasterly corner of proposed nurses' home on Johns Island to encroach into the yard area approximately 20 feet. $25,000 allocated in 1957-5$10-16-57 40 82 budget for outpatient care a dm enc room purposes 1 -b -j - 40 102 MT. SINAI HOSPITAL 20 Book Page Council approves in principle Mr. Max orovitz's request to advance the date by 11 years when Mt. Sinai Hospital can legally take title to the hospital property 1-2-58 4o 184 Res. #9734 requesting Govt. to permit City to convey Mt. Sinai Hospital property to hospital authorities 3-19-58 40 348 City to write purchase order for Mt. Sinai generators. Hospital will pay City at time generator is invoiced. V 8-6-58 41 44