Mt. Sinai Hospital_May 1970 to December 1972MT. SINAI HOSPITAL 37 Meeting date 1st, 2nd readings amending zong Ord.; proposal creating cul de sac re future growth of hospital; Atty Wm.Schockett appearance and Barton Goldberg; Hospital Bd. reaction to be obtained re conveyance of property to City for park; homeowners' agreemt to be submitted on 5-20. above deferred to 6-3. ORD. 1828 rezoning to RH from RE. 5-6-70 5-20-70 MT. SINAI HOSPITAL 38 Meeting date Discussion re North Bay Rd.closure, hospital expansion, cost of cul-de-sac; appearances by Ronald Fine, Wm.Schockett stating property owners only wanted street striping; agenda of 7-1, when City Mgr.to present estimates, study. Cul-de-sac No.Bay Rd: construction approx. $31,000; all concerned to be notified of action on 7-15. ....hospital to pay max.cost of $3000, after which work commences. Hearings concluded re setbacks; 1st, 2nd readgs amendg Ord. 6-24-70 7-1-70 7-15-70 3-17-71 MT. SINAI HOSPITAL 39 Meeting date ORD.1872 creating area districts 80, 81 for setbacks in RH. ORD.1873 in- cluding Mt. Sinai in Dist.80, excluding from existing Dists. Joint application to the Fed. Gov't for a grant to purchase telemetry equipment for Emergency Rescue Units approved; City to contribute $22,000, to be charged against C ity's Revenue sharing funds under Health. 4-21-71 12/20/72 RES. 13847 adopted, for City Mgr. to cooperate with Mt. Sinai in processing of application authorizing expenditure of City Funds -$22,000. 12/20/72