Municipal Court_May 1973 to November 1974MUNICIPAL COURT 2 Meeting Date Request by Shepard W. Davis to address Council on "The Abolishment of The Municipal Court". Council voted to place on 9/19/73 agenda; the proposal made by Mayor Hall re: his resolu- tion providing for transfer of Municipal Ct. op- eration to County Ct. and in interim the opera- tion of newly -established County Ct. will be observed to determine its effectiveness. 5/16/73 §City Mgr. was directed to advise Mr. Davis of Council's action, if he still feels he wants to be on 6/6 agenda he may do so, of if he prefere to wait to 9/19, he will be placed on agenda. 5/16/73 MUNICIPAL COURT 3 Meeting Date Consideration of Resolution certifying to the Chief Judge of the eleventh Judicial Circuit the intention of City Council to abolish the Municipal Court of City of Miami Beach. Discussion held. Mayor Hall withdrew proposed resolution at this time. Councilman Haber re- quested City Mgr. to furnish Council, at an ap= propriate time, with an evaluative report on the present Metro Court operation in the City. 9/19/73 MUNICIPAL COURT 4 Meeting Date Request of Mr. Shepard Davis, Pres. of Tenants Assoc. of Florida, Inc. to address Council on elimination of municipal courts to be placed on Jan. 2, 1974 agenda. 12/12/73 Mr. Shepard W. Davis and Mr. Richard Alhadeff appeared to request elimination of municipal courts. No action taken. Councilman Dr. Wikler's motion to place on agenda discussion fo immediate termination of terms of present Municipal Court Judges, failed to receive a second. 1/2/74 Discussion of abolishment of Municipal Court 11/20/74 transferring its functions to Metro -Dade Co.. Requested by Councilman Hal Spaet.