Municipal Golf Course_July 1937 to November 1940MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE Book Page Removal of golf course lockerroom left to City Manager with power to act. 11-10=37 16 354 Purchase of new lookers authorized 11-19=-3T 383 25 foot s ri off Municipal Golf Course to be used for auto parking 8-7-39 18 201 Mr.Renshaw instructed to leave power lines in present location at south end of Golf Course 10/5/39 18 322 MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE 6. Book Page Contract for alterations to Club House awarded to Southeastern Const. Co. 7/28/37 16 201a - Sept. 10th estimate on Golf Course repairs ordered paid - $2,798.20 9-22-37 16, 278 City Manager to advertise for bids for removal of old lockerroom 10-20-37 16, 334 Only one bid received for removal of old lockerroom -rejected 11-3-37 16 338 Contract for rebuilding foot bridge over Canal at Golf Curse le Comer Rr14ge & Foundation s5f o. 11-- 16 31+7 MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE 7 8 Book Page Greens committee abolished 4--17-40 19 76 Council authorized repairs made to Golf Course Club House -also that 2 men be hired -at $10.00 per wk.to serve as porters. 11-13-40 19 400 $563.20 authorized for -lighting Driving Range on golf course 11/27/40 19 429 area.t-municipal appropriated parking 11/27/40 19 434