Municipal Judge_January 1929 to June 1937An,i .pal *v MUNICIPAL JUDGE A. Frank Katzentine appointed 1-2-29 Sworn in by City Clerk 1.2-29 W. E. Walsh 12-30-30 Glenn C. Mincer 8-4-31 W. E. *alsh reappointed 1-9.33 M. Victor Miller (Asst.Judge) 1-11-33 Charter ame d...re• appointment of Assoo.launicipai alage 5/17/33 M. Victor Miller appointed Associate Municipal Judge 6/7/33 Book, Page 9, 45 9, 45 10, 424 11, 111 11, 479 11,484 12, 64 12, 70 MUNICIPAL JUDGE Daniel P. Galen appointed Municipal Judge Otto Stegemann appointed Ass't. Municipal 2 BOOK PAGE Judge. 12/20/34 13 204 1st and 2nd Readings Ordinance fixing salary of Associate Municipal Judge 4/17/35 13 376 3rd reading of above ordinance #377 5/1/35 13 392 Dan P. Galen - Municipal Judge Otto Stegemann-Associate Municipal Judge 6/7/37 16 137