Municipal Judge_November 1946 to April 1951MITNICIPAL JUDGE M. B. Junior Chamber of Commerce urge that judges (2) be elected - taken under consideration 11/6/46 24 387 Kenneth Oka submits ordinance authorizing Municipal Judge to issue search warrants - it is taken under consideration 4/6/49 28 2 4. Book Page MUNICIPAL AGE Mr. Renshaw to have hook Page 5 Judge Frank submit report on handling of "pants burglar" case in Municipal Court 3-28-51 30 482 Judge Frank submits report on "pants burglar" case for record - City Attorney Also gives his opinion 4-4-51 30 526 M. B. Bar Assn asks legis- lative act for two municipal judges instead of present judges - no action on Coun- cilman BiDhrd's motion to asLegislature 4-4-5i 30 531 MUNICIPAL JUDGE 5-A Book Page Associate Judge Frank submits resignation because of his candidacy at forthcoming election 4-18-51 31 52 Associate Judge Frank's resignation accepted. Irving Cypen appointed Judge 4-20-51 31 62