Municipal Judge_June 1951 to June 1953MUNICIPAL JUDGE 7.
Book Pa3e
Res. #7963 In Memoriam - Judge
Jack J. Rosen and Mrs. Rosen 3-26-52 32 448
Council fails to approve Albert
Saperstein's appointment as
Municipal Judge 4-2-52 32 465
Appointment of Albert H. Saperstein
as Municipal Judge confirmed
4-16-52 32 484
Harold Zinn appointed Associate
Municipal Judge 5-7-52 33 17
Jack Rosen appointed Judge of
Municipal Court 6-20-51 31 293
Al Saperstein appointed
Associate Judge 6-20-51 31 293
Ordinance increasing salary of
Municipal Judge to $3,000
per year to
be drawn6-21-51 31 299
Res. 7( a Frank---- 7-3-51 31 319
Third reading ordnance
increasing salary of Associate
Judge and allowance to City
Attorney for legal assistance
Ord. #91 7-18-51 31 403
Book Page
Book Page
Confirmation of appointment of Albert
Saperstein as Judge of Municipal
Court denied 6-17-53 34 345
Confirmation of appointment of Harold
Zinn as Associate Judge denied
6-17-53 34 345
Effort to appoint Albert Saperstein
as Municipal Judge fails
7-1-53 34 349
Effort to appoint Associate
Judge fails 7-1-53 34 349
Action on appointment of Albert
Saperstein as Municipal Judge tabled
7-7-53 34 371