Municipal Judge_August 1965 to January 1967Mill\TICIPALRTWE 15. Election of Associate Judge Book Page deferred until next meeting. 8-18-65 49 222 Eugene Weiss is elected Associate Judge . Mal9-1-65 49 260 Alfred F. Nesbitt is elected 2nd Associate Judge. 11-30-66 51 211 Judge Albert H. Saperstein's resignation accepted by Council, effective 1/11/67. City Atty to prepare appropriate commendation resolution. 12-21-66 51 283 MUNICIPAL JUDGE Book Page Discussion and nominations for office of Associate Judge, vacated by Judge ,Saperstein's resignation. Judge Alfred F. Nesbitt appointed as Senior Judge upon retirement of Judge Saperstein;list of candidates for Associate Judge to be screened by Bar Association. 1/4/67 51 291 Discussion and decision that Council has prerogative to nominate someone other than candidates screened by Bar Association for Municipal Judgeship. Bar Assoc. to be so advised. 1-4-67 51 309 16 MUNICIPAL JUDGE 17 Book Page Res. #12025 adopted extending good wishes to Judge Albert H. Saperstein on his retirement, and motion made and carried that terminal leave pay be authorized; however, this payment was authorized on 12/21/60. P-1,147 51 324 Council discusses manner of M.B. Bar Assoc. in interviewing candidates for Associate Judge, final report of Bar Association to be submitted to City Mgr. Section of Assoc. Judge to be made 1/18/67. 1-11-67 51 331