Municipal Judge_January 1967 December 1971MUNICIPAL JUDGE Book Page Nominations made for Associal Municipal Judge and request made to defer to later in meeting granted, so that list of nominees submitted could be reviewed. 1-18-67 51 333 Murray Goodman appointed Associate Municipal Judge. 1-18-67 51 335 Action on request for budget for operation of Public Defender office deferred. Policy declared that Public Defender, Municipal Judges and City Prosecutor(s) not engage in private practice at any time in Municipal Court in M.B. Council to re-examine matter should need for full-time Public Defender be indicated re. Bar Association's suggestion. 10/18/67 52 335 1$ MUNICIPAL JUDGE 19 Book Page Murray Goodman's resignation as Assoc.Mun.Judge accepted. Res.#12702 expressed regret & wishes him best as Criminal Coutt Judge. Resignation 357 effective midnight, 4/13/69. 4/16/69 54 366 Appt. of Municipal Judgecbferred to 5/12/69. 5/7/69 54 374 Robert A. Grover appointed Associate Municipal Judge, effective 5/12/69. 5/12/69 54 415 400. Motion to allow screening of Assoc.Mun.iludge by M.B. Bar Assn. fails. 5/12/69 54 399 MUNICIPAL JUDGES Services of Nesbitt and E.J.Weiss terminated. Zev Kogan, Nelan Sweet elected. ORD.1800 re budgetary allowance for 3 judges; "Senior Judge" designation. Robert Grover named "Munic. Judge" Judges appointed: J. Jerry Zeltzer, Nelan Sweet, Robert Grover, effective 12-9-71. Zev Kogan terminated 12-8-71. 20 Meeting date 12-10-69 12-10-69 12-17-69 12-17-69 12-8-71