Municipal Judges_November 1972 to April 1973MUNICIPAL JUDGES 21 Meeting Date Judge Jerry Zeltzer requested a $500. ap- propriation from Contingency Fund for use in discretion of the Judges to purchase trans- portation tickets for young indigents, hereto- fore paid by policemen and the judges. 11/15/72 Council authorized $500 from Contingency Funds, disbursement procedures to be established by City Mgr. 11/15/72 Council voted to direct City Atty. to prepare appropriate legislation for consideration at January 17, 1973 meeting, providing for a 5 -panel judicial system; with existing final financial provisions for Municipal Judges to remain same. 1/3/73 --lU iCIPAL JUDGES Coeiac'LwvotedJtoJerrmi atle Municip 1 Judges y Le zer and ober 219 Meeting Date Grover as of 1/25/73. 1/17/73 City Atty. said incumbents would continue in office until successors take office on 1/26/73. 1/17/73 Appointed, effective 1/26/73: Jason Berkman(Munic) and Nelan Sweet and Leonard Rivkind (Assoc. Judges) 1/17/7: MUNICIPAL JUDGES 22 Meeting Date City Atty. rendered opinion to the effect that it was within powers of Council to add more Municipal Judges. 1/3/73 Abolishment of Municipal Court - motion to abolish at earliest legal moment failed. 1/3/73 Judge Eugene J. Weiss was appointed as Associate Judge of the Municipal Court as of 3/7/73. Request by Mr. Shepard Davis to present signed petitions asking JCouncl's reconsidera- tion of its appointment of municipal Judge Eugene Weiss. Appearance by Mr. 1.hepard Davis to present to Council signed petitions requesting Council's 3/7/73 4/11/73