Nash, Mrs. Gabrielle_July to October 1963NASH, MRS. GABRIELLE
ha,.beenhapdoptea nyrCityuofoNorthcM.B.
and Town of Surfside endorsing "Medicare".
City Atty to prepare proper resolution
for presentation to Council at next
meeting, endorsing "Medicare" as advocated
by President Kennedy. 7-17-63 46 47
Mrs. Nash complains about holes in side=
walk and gutter in front of Thrifty Market
on Washington Ave. at 5th St. Referred
to City Manager. 7-17-63 46 47
Mrs. Nash asks Council to tell her how
long it would take to count names on her
petition and when election would 6)e called. 3 46 74
Book Page
Mrs. Nash presents a petition
for Charter amendments ("Fair Play
Amendments") 9-4-63 46 135
Book Page
No action on suggestion of Mrs. Nash
that rally be held by City in Auditorium
to acquaint voters of forthcoming
Metro Charter amendments to be voted
on November 5th. 9-18-63 46 160
In response to inquiry from Mrs. Nash,
the City Atty advised that resolution
endorsing Medicare would be ready for
presentation to Council at next meeting.
9-18-63 46 160
Res. #11079 adopted favoring program
advocated by President John F. Kennedy
for medical care for aged, as requested
by Mrs. Nash. 10-2-63 46 202
Mrs. Nash asks how long it was going to
take to certify her "Fair Play" petition.
10-2-63 46 202A
Clerk's certificate presented on petition
filed by Mrs. Nash on 9/4/63 requesting that
her proposed "Fair Play Amendments" to
Charter be placed before electors. City Atty
gives opinion as to procedure to be followed;
also reads his opinion to Council on
May 15, 1963 regarding the 6 proposed amend-
ments. Motion made to submit 2 of the oateyd-