Nash, Mrs. Gabrielle_December 1976 to May 1977NASH, MRS GABRIELLE 4?3 Date Mrs. Nash requested to discuss the City's ac- 12/15/76 counting methods in the working performance of the several departments. She suggested - 1) that Accounting Div. use pen instead of pencil in preparation of records; 2) time clocks be utilized in keeping attendance record of all employees. Mrs. Nash questioned the City Manager's powers 12/15/76 to appoint members of his staff without con- firmation by the City Council, and was advised that such appointments were within the Manager's purview. NASH, MRS. GABRIELLE -2Y Date Mrs. Nash appeared to discuss Goodman Terrace 1/5/77 repairs. She is to be notified when bids for repairs to Goodman Terrace are presented for consideration. Mrs. Gabrielle Nash request for appearance to 4/20/77 speak on several matters. Mrs. Nash requested that the Housing Authority be instructed to make their records available to the public. The Mayor suggested she consult with the City Mgr. and City Atty. Mrs. Gabrielle Nash appeared to discuss various 5/4/77 matters: 1) requested Council appoint Health Planning Commission (R7A); 2) requested June or November election ballot include a question to