Convention Hall Contracts_May to June 1974CONVENTION HALL CONTRACTS 28
Meeti.ig Date
Memo 4526- Divider curtains for Conv. Center
awarded Sam Young, Inc., 12 units of Item 1,
10 units of Item 2, no award on Item 3,
quoting $11,075. 5/1/74
Memo 4529- Stage curtains awarded Knoxville
Scenic Studios, Inc. $3,180. 5/1/74
Memo 4530 -Stage communication system awarded
Fidelity Sound, $5,456. 5/1/74
Memo 4551-450 assorted tables & 13 table trucks
for Conv. Center. Awarded,The Monroe Co.,Items 1,2,
3,4,quoting $14,968.00 & Virco Mfg.Corp.,Item 5,
quoting $4,500. 5/15/74
Memo 4553 -Convention Center Curtain Track
(760 Ft). Awarded, United Stage Equipment,Inc.
quoting $3,990.00.
Memo 4558-Conv.Center,13,900 stacking,ganging
chairs. Awarded,Virco Manufacturing Corp.,
quoting $243,667.00.
Memo 4575 Construction of highway west&north
of Conv. Hall fr. 17 St. to Collins Canal & east
to Wash.Av. including north service area, HN -390
awarded to CA Davis, Inc.,quoting $17,875.00. 6/5/74
Memo 4581 Folding chairs(7,500 for Conv.Center,
260 for Recreation Div.) referred to Adminis-
tration for further analysis&reevaluation ot bids
& chairs and for determination as to whether
chairs recommended will comply with So.Fla.
Bldg.Code. 6/5/74
Power scrubber for Conv. Ctr. awarded to 6/5/74
Tennant Co., quoting $6,557.50 (Memo 4578).
Change Order #6, Construct"Conv.Hall Wraparound 6/5/74
in_c_FreasB-5i 3. sum of $23,329.48 approved (Memo 4596).
BRTFElec.Contactors/blackout switch for N.Conv.Hal1: 6/19/74
awarded, Interstate Elec.Co.,quoting $7,033 on
total base bid;authorizing replacement of add'l.