Newsstands_November 1946 to May 1947NEWSSTANDS 1.
Mrs. Shepard Swede protests
permit for newsstand at
Collins & Espanola Way -
Council takes no action 11/ 6/46 24 390
Book Page
Mrs. Shepard. Swede asks
that permit for newsstand
at Collins & Espanola Way
be revoked - no action
Mrs. Shepard Swede objects
to newsstand on sidewalk
at Collins and Espanola Way
12/4/46 24 420
5/7/47 25 140
Mrs. Shepard Swede again
objects to newsstand on
sidewalk and Council asks
City Clerk to revoke permit 11/5/47 25 459
Ben Cohen submits petition
asking Council not to revoke
permit for newsstand at
Collins and Espanola Way -
Council defers action 11/19/47 25 477
Book Page
Arthur Courshon, attorney,
representing Mrs. Swede,
objects to newsstand at