Newsstands_March 1948 to February 1953NEWSSTANDS 6 Book Page Leonard Lack's application receives no action pending Building Department inspection 3/17/48 26 255 NEWSSTANDS 7. Book Page 1st and 2nd reading ordinance reducing license fee for newsstands from $50.00 to $10.00 per yr., and deleting provision that no person may hold more than one newsstand license at any one time during any fiscal year. 2-4-53 33 515 3rd reading ordinance reducing license fees for newsstands - Ord. #1039 2-18-53 34 5 Curb newsstands to be moved back against building at Washington Ave. & Lincoln Rd. and Collins Ave. & Lincoln Rd. 2-18-53 34 5 NEWSSTANDS 8. Book Page Application of Max Bard (City Hall News) N.W. cor Wash. Ave. & 12th St. approved 2-18-53 34 10 Application of James B. Cowen, d/b/a Washington Sundries, Inc. for license to operate newsstand at 244 -5th St. approved 7-1-53 34 355 Applications approved: Michael Bonomo; Sam's News (Samuel J. Weinstein); Stanley M. Lambert -13th St. Newsstand; Joe Ganz; Jean Feinberg -Medical Arts; Joseph Jacobs -Miami Beach News; Charles Holcepl-Crown Newsstand; Louis Newman 8-5-53 34 440