Night Clubs_April to November 1963NIGHT CLUBS License approved: Myers' Jolly Bar License approved: Club 16 License approved: Percy's Bar, Inc. 155 Book Page 4-17-63 45 427 5-1-63 45 437 6-5-63 45 492 Re. report on Copa City. Mayor Richard and Councilman Turchin advised they visited the establishment. City Mgr. suggested that member of Council visit establishment on weekends. No action taken. 6-19-63 46 11 NIGHT CLUBS Application for transfer of license approved: Cafe 22 - 2200 Park Avenue 156 Book Page 7-3-63 46 28 City Clerk advises of receipt of Police report in connection with renewal of beer & wine license for Jolly Bar. Atty Lebowitz representing property owners in area who were objecting to granting of night club license to Jolly Bar asks for addl time in which to present his case. Council grants beer & wine license but instructs Clerk to notify interested parties when night club application to be presented. 9-18-63 46 148 NIGHT CLUBS 157 Book Page License approved: Golden Sands Hotel - Bwana Lounge 10-2-63 46 200 Licenses approved: Seville Hotel Riptide Bar 10-16-63 46 223 Action on application of Jolly Bar for night club deferred until next meeting. City Clerk to give notice. 10-16-63 46 223 Life Bar license approved. 10-16-63 46 223 Applications approved: Kurby Bar, Jessie' 46 s Doll House 11-20-63 301'