Night Clubs_December 1964 to January 1965NIGHT CLUBS 167
Action deferred on Book Page
Applications of Pin Up, Grate & Nite Owl
Bar and Basin Street Bar.
12-16-64 47 403
Robert Gallub, owner of Southwind Bar
discusses physical set-up and operation
of establishment. Mr. Gailub agrees to
take all signs off rear wall and equip doors
with panic lock. Action deferred until
next meeting. 12-16-64 47 404
Book Page
Clerk instructed to notify operator
of Basin Street Bar to be present at
Jan. 20, 1965 meeting, re. night club
application. 1-6-65 48 301
Night Club application of Pin Up, Grate
and Nite Owl Bar discussed. Motion that Y �
Night Club license be granted fails. „r`�' i
Clerk instructed to notify Police Dept. #
to enforce 2:00 A.M. closing.
1-6-65 48 302
Southwind Bar reports that all changes
requested have been made. Night Club
license granted. 1-6-65 48 303
Action deferred on approval of liquorook Page
and night club licenses of Mayflower
Bar. Clerk to notify applicant to submit
new plans to Bldg. Dept. 1-6-65 48 303
Applications approved:
Deauville Hotel
Bill Jordan's Bar of Music
Di Lido Hotel 1-6-65 48 303
Pin Up, Grate and Nite Owl Bar asks Council to
reconsider previous action. Motion to
continue 5:00 A.M. operation fails. Police
Chief requested to submit more comprehensive
report on this bar with recommendation to
renew or deny. Police Dept. requested this
same information be furnished in all tuture (cor