Noise Ordinance_December 1946 to December 1947NOISE ORDINANCE #+97 6 Book Page 3rd reading Ord. #787 amending "Noise Ordinance" by defining the hours when "restricted" noises are prohibited 1st & 2nd readings of ordinance amending #497 by prohibiting outside loud- speakers Proposed amendment to above ordinance, excepting loud- speakers in connection with telephone wired music is read to Council 12/4/46 24 414 7/11/47 25 260 8/6/47 25 317 NOISE ORDINANCE #497 Ordinance prohibiting the use of outside loudspeakers is tabled 8/20/47 Council relaxes ordinance as to hours of construction, until Dec. 15, 1947 11/5/47 Loudspeaker amendment deferred 11/5/47 Amendment to loudspeaker ordinance 3rd reading Ord prohibitinglou (amending rd. #825 11/19/+7 7 Book Page 25 327 25 459 25 462 25 468 468 11/19/47 25 NOISE ORDINANCE #497 David Andron and Shepard Broad object to Council's extension of hours for heavy construction Mr. Broad asks that permit for Delano Hotel be cancelled 11/19/47 �5 478 The matter is referred to Police Dept. to enforce the ordinance Councilman Burbridge's state- ment regarding ordinance 12/3/47 25 491 8. Book Page 11/19/47 25 477 11/19/47 25 478