Noise Ordinance_February 1948 to February 1950NOISE ORDINANCE
Book Page
all construction if it is
enforced against Delano Hotel 2/18/48 26 190
C. W. Peters, representing
Union of Electrical Works, and
Fritz Gordon, representing the
Carpenters Union, speak against
Ord. #839 2/18/48 26 190
Mr. Schonfeld asks for inter-
pretation of ordinance and is
referred to Mr. Renshaw 2/18/48 26 190
Book Page
1st & 2nd readings of ordinance
amending Ord. #497 re. noise
from air conditioning equipanent 7/20/49 28 262
3rd reading of Ord. #887
amending Ord. #497 re. noise
from air conditioning equipment 8/3/49 28 301
M. B. Hotel Owners' re-
quest for amendment to
Noise Ordinance to per-
mit use of loudspeakers
and microphones between
hours of 11:0Q A.M. &
:(x):u P. M. re errto
City Attorney
8/22/49 28 362
Book Page
1st & 2nd readings given
ordinance permitting use
of loudspeakers between
hours of 11 A. M. and 5:00
P. M. by hotels 11/2/49 29 20
3rd reading of ordinance
re. loudspeakers
deferred 11/16/49 29 46
Harry 2ukernick asks for
ordinance prohibi+ing
use of loudspeakers in
airplanes 2-15-50 29 184