Noise Ordinance_February to December 1950NOISE ORDINANCE 18
Book Page
Mr. Richard sugges+s
'-ha+ noise ordinance be
rewria-+en - requiring
mea suremena- of noise
by decibels 2-15-50 29 184
Objec{-ions +o use of
sirens 2-15-50 29 184
Ord. #918 - emergency
prohibiting use of
loudspeakers in
airplanes*4/197) �9 2-16-50 29 187
(a4.24 a�Q.1 ltd[ .
Book Page
Petition signed by numerous
individuals objecting to
moise from veterinarian
hospital and asking that Dr.
Wasman's permit be revoked -
referred to Mr. Link 9-20-50 30 81
Request to extend Period 1
(Anti Noise) to 12/15/
denied by Council 10-26-50 30 127
1st reading amendment to
Ord. 11/3o11/1/50 +97 extending Period1 30 149
Ord. #952 adopted - Extending Book Page
Period 1 11-15-50 30 183
Councilman Richard suggests
amendment to Noise Ordinance
providing that when contractor
seeks a permit he be first re-
quired to secure consents from
surrounding peoples - says
builders are ignorant of
eiistence of ordinance 12-27-50 30 295