North Bay Village_June 1962 to June 1966UoN,`i V,I?a5 NORTH BAY VILLAGE City to enter into a contract with North Bay Village for sewage disposal. 6-6-62 44 539 Sale of plant material (mahogany trees, mimusops and adonidia palms) amounting to $260. authorized to North Bay Village 8-19-64 47 186 Informal meeting to be arranged with North Bay Village to discuss sewage services. North Bay Village to be requested to put their request in writing. 3-2-66 50 142 Book Page r NORTH BAY VILLAGE Book Page City Mgr. of North Bay Village requests meeting with Council to discuss sanitary sewage disposal thru M. B.'s system. Meeting to be arranged April 20, 1966. 4-13-66 50 238 Report from Maurice H. Connell & Assoc. re. interconnection of North Bay Village sewer system with City's, stating there will be no problems, and indicating Fla. State Bd. of Health has offered no objec- tions, filed. City Atty. authorized to confer with No. Bay Village Atty to work out contract. 6-22-66 50 390