North Bay Village_August to November 1966NORTH BAY VILLAGE
Communication from North Bay
Village re. possibility of
its citizens using M.B. Golf
Courses during summer period at
set membership fee, referred to
Administration. 8-17-66 50 464
Book Page
Res. #11947 authorizing execution
of sewage disposal agreement between
North Bay Village and Miami Beach.
9-21-66 51 55
Res. #11975 authorizing execution of
amended sewage disposal agreement
for 25 yrs. with arbitration clause.
11-2-66 51 153
City Mgr. to investigate status of
North Bay Village Sewage Disposal
contract, which has not yet been signed.
11-23-66 51 181
Report re. sewer pumpage agreement with
North Bay Village submitted for information.
11-30-66 51 227
Res. 13449, increasing servicing rate 11/17/71
Letter from Ralph L. Smith, City Mgr. of
No. Bay Village, asking negotiation of sewage rates
was received, and consideration of termina-
tion of contract deferred to 3/21/73. 2/7/73
Meeting Date
Oral report on settlement negotiations with 12/5/79
North Bay Village regarding Water rates.
City Atty. recommended acceptance of retro-
spective and prospective water rates settlement
with North Bay Village as follows:
1) Retrospective - $242,000 lump sum payment out
of escrow accounts set up pursuant to court
order under water rate litigation between
North Bay Village and City.