North Shore Park_December 1967 to Janury 1969ikjcpilk5krQ k NORTH SHORE PARK 7 BOOK PAGE Request for shuffleboard courts in North Shore Park submitted to Parks & Recreation Director for report for 12/20/67. 12-6-67 Res. #12290 re. applications to Federal govern- ment for community center funds for North Shore Park. 12-6-67 City Manager to review possibility of placing canopies on shuffleboard courts being constructed in North Shore Park and place matter on January 2, 1969 agenda. 12-18-68 52 424 52 430 54 102 NORTH SHORE PARK Appropriation not to exceed $5,175 authorized from Contingency Funds, per City Manager's recommendation, for erection of sun shelters in North Shore Park. Re. benches to be used, Manager to consider bench designs per Parks and Recreation Committee report. 1-2-69 In response to Councilman Sahl's inquiry, City Mgr. Spence advised approval for contract with architect for updating and reworking plans for multi-purpose room at So. Shore Comm. Center, will be on 4/17/74 agenda and it is expected that bids will be taken by July 20, 1974; that on Center in No. Shore park, bids are presently 8 BOOK PAGE 54 113