Occupational Licenses_November 1970 to January 1972OCCUPATIONAL LICENSES 155 Meeting date Transfers to new location without charge: 1st, 2nd readings amending Code - City Atty to submit opinion whether retroactive to 10-31-70. ....ORD.1859 amending Sec.20.3. Patio Bridge Club: Police Chief appear- ance; suggested notice sent to owner to appear on 1-6-71 why license should not be revoked. Chief to provide CC with summary. Newsstand license transferred to Louis Miller from Fernando Sala -1500 Wash.Av. 11-25-70 12-2-70 12-16-70 2-17-71 OCCUPATIONAL LICENSES 156 Meeting date City Atty to submit written opinion (formerly requested by Dermer, Weinstein) re CC power to issue, revoke. Fish Market locations approved: Food Fair: 1845 Alton, 1020 Alton, 965 Washington; Sam's: 1673 Alton. NONE Amount of license fee of Balogh Jewelers was protested. City Attorney said nothing could be done now, but prior to fiscal year it could be considered. Also,City Manager 6-2-71 7-21-71 1/19/72