Occupational Licenses_June to September 1972OCCUPATIONAL LICENSES 160 Meeting Date Ord. amending Art. 1 of Chapter 20 of Code, regulating occupational licenses and permits, changing date of license year from 11/1/ to 10/1. 6/21/72 Hearing held, and Ordinance No. 1927 adopted, as amended, re: chapter 29 of Code, so as to establish license year to be 10/1/ instead of 11/1; providing penalties for late payment thereof, etc., in accordance with State Law 7/19/72 This ordinance was amendedprior to its adoption to make a license fee for "Closed Circuit TV sets in Hotels of $5, per room" 7/19/72 OCCUPATIONAL LICENSES 16oA Meeting Date Council deferred action to 9/20/72 of adoption of amendment to Sec. 20.17 of Code to provide a $5.per room charge in hotel rooms for closed circuit t.v. with charge added to bill and asked City Mgr. to provide information as to source of ord. 9/6/72 Ordinance previously passed proposing closed circuit TV in hotel rooms & occupational license of $5. for each TV set was withdrawn from agenda. Councilman Greene requested Administration follow progress during coming year and decide if $5. is sufficient. Also requested Adminis- 9/20/72 OCCUPATIONAL LICENSES tration determine if operation could be required to get occupational license and if entire operation could be taxed as a network, more than it is right now. Councilman Rosen suggested the City Manager follow progress of this operation and as soon as business begins operation, ordinance should be presented to Council imposing a fee. 160E Meeting Date 9/20/72 9/20/72