Occupational Licenses_January to March 1978OCCUPATIONAL LICENSES Request of Mrs. Louis Fishman for single license for Tropical Cancer League to sell used clothes and used household items. Scheduled for January 4, 1978 meeting. 179 Date 12/21/77 Appearance of Mrs. Louis Fishman to request creation of a single license for sale of used clothing and used household items, (scheduled on 12/21/77). City Mgr. advised matter has been resolved and that Mrs. Hishman has with- drawn request. Per remarks of Mr. Irwin Sawitz during the course of the hearing, re: Zoning Ord. amend- ment -apartment hotels, Commissioner Weinstein OCCUPATIONAL LICENSES Memo #6599, permit to operate motor vehicles for prepaid package tours. Issuance of permits to following operators meeting all requirements of the Code, approved: Alcur Tours, Inc. (2 vehicles); Fergis Travel Service (2); Flamingo Tours & Travel Agency (2); Hotur Inc. (1); Unipro Tours (2). (See Latin Tour Operators, Tourism) 1/4/78 1/18/78 179a Date 12/21/77 OCCUPATIONAL LICENSES 180 (continued) Date requested Administration to review the occu- pational license fee structure pertaining to hotel rooms and apartment rooms, for consider - tion during the 1978-1979 budget preparations. (See Summary Letter of 1/18/78; Item -2D) 1/18/78 Memo #6716, permits for Prepaid Package Tour 3/1/78 Operators under Ord. #77-2098. Issuance of permits to following operators meeting all requirements of the Code, approved: Americana Tours (1 vehicle); Bancor Travel (1); Overseas Int'1. (2); Polvani Tour (2); Tour Services of America (1); Trawitour, Inc. (1); U. S. Travel Consultants (2). (See Tourism, Latin Tour Operators)