Occupational Licenses_April to August 1979OCCUPATIONAL LICENSES 184
(continued) Date
TDA as to advisability of expanding number
of licensed tour agencies, and
3) confer with City Atty. as to advisability
of either amending existing ord. or re-
pealing it and enacting a new ord., and to
submit a report as to his findings within
next 30 days.
City Commission and City Atty. will be aprised
of dates the City Mgr. will conduct hearings.
(See Tourism, Latin Tour Operators) 4/4/79
Memo #7508, status report on Prepaid Package 5/16/79
Tour Ord. City Mgr. presented status report
and advised that administrative hearings with
tour operators were scheduled for May 17, and
(continued) Date
May 18, 1979, commencing at 9:30 a.m. Deferred
to June 6 1979, at which time Administration
will recommendations for improvements
to existing ord. (Public hearing held and con-
cluded 4/4/79 -- item deferred from 4/4/79)
(See Latin Tour Operators) 5/16/79
Memo #7533, for information only: status 6/6/79
report on Prepaid Package Tour Ord. Ad-
ditional compliance hearings required and
when concluded, City Manager will apprise
Commission of results. (See Latin Tour
Request for City license revocation for
withholding deposit/rent refund. Mr. Erny
Fannotto appeared on behalf of a former resi-
dent of President Madison Retirement Residence
whose deposit and last month's rent was with-
held by former and present owners of facility,
and requested revocation of occupational
license or whatever is possible to force resti-
tution. City Atty. advised that although State
Rent Security Law provides procedures for Hotel
and Restaurant Commission to revoke a license,
the City may revoke an occupational license
for good cause only and that he questioned
whether this would qualify as good cause. He
recommended that matter be taken to Hotel and