Ocean Front (Ocean & 5th at Shoreham-Norman_June 1964 to January 1973OCEAN FRONT (Ocean & 5th - at Shoreham -Norman) 3 A motion to deny the request Meeting Date for the zoning change failed of passage 2/2/72 A motion to refer the request to the Planning Board failed of passage 2/2/72 Mr. Bennett advised that appraisals had not been completed. He would report on 10/18 meeting if possible . 10/4/72 Recommendation that City proceed with acquisi- tion and development of this property, for which bonds were authorized by voters on 3/14/72, presented, and deferred to 1/3/73, to enable City Mgr. to return to Council with figures as to cost for development of this property for park purposes.12/20172 OCEAN FRONT (Ocean & 5th - at Shoreham -Norman) 4 Meeting Date Consideration of recommendation of Administra- tion re: purchase of Bell and Shoreham -Norman properties deferred to 1/17/73, at request of Councilman Magnes, who asked for copies of the appraisals of this property. Reports of City Mgr. as to development costs and proposals made a part of records of this meeting. 1/3/73 Following discussion of Administration's recomm- endation re: purchase of this property, Council adopted Res. 73,13879, directing City's Real Estate Consultant, and City atty. to negotiate with owners of Lots 1-6,inc., less westerly 15 feet there- of, to acquire property for park & recreation purposes (condemnation if necessary) 1/17/73 OCEAN FRONT 4. Book Page Martin Drexel complains about obstructions on the ocean front between high and low water marks. 7-6-55 37 260 No action on Councilman Galbut's motion to condemn all hotel property abutting ocean front for public beach purposes. Tabled indefinitely. 6-17-64 47 85 Report from City Manager requested by Seiderman re. survey of all ocean front properties from Government Cut to 87 Terrace to determine if any encroachments on public domain to be pre- sented at 11/15/67 meeting. 11-8-67 52 398