Ocean Front (Ocean & 5th at Shoreham-Norman)_July 1955 to February 1973OCEAN FRONT (Ocean & 5th - Shoreham -Norman) 5 Meeting Day RES. 73-13907 adopted, to execute agreement with Marcos Gesundheit & Florence Gesundheit for purchase of Lots 1-6, inc., Block 1, Friedman & Cope Subdivision for sum of $1,721,000, authorizing payment to Mr. S.Z.Bennett, City's Real Estate Consultant, of his fee of $34,000; 2/7/73 Council authorized disbursement of funds from available bond funds not immediately required and to be reimbursed from sale of bonds approved for this purpose. 2/7/73 At request of Councilman Haber, City Atty. Wanick advised riparian rights exist only with reference to upland owner. The City is ac- quiring it for public purposes and riparian OCEAN FRONT City Attorney directed to notify property owners on list to remove encroachment within 30 days; in event encroachments not removed after 30 days, City Attorney to take legal action. If necessary City will remove en- croachments and owners will be billed. City Attorney also to advise Trustees of Internal Improvement Fund of Florida at same time and tell them of action City is taking. 11-15-67 Hearing concluded re. property on oceanfront between 69th & 71st Streets & action deferred to 10/9/68 concerning rezoning. Council voted to exclude from rezoning property 5 BOOK PAGE 52 412 OCEAN FRONT 4. Book Page Martin Drexel complains about obstructions on the ocean front between high and low water marks. 7-6-55 37 260 No action on Councilman Galbut's motion to condemn all hotel property abutting ocean front for public beach purposes. Tabled indefinitely. 6-17-64 47 85 Report from City Manager requested by Seiderman re. survey of all ocean front properties from Government Cut to 87 Terrace to determine if any encroachments on public domain to be pre- sented at 11/15/67 meeting. 11-8-67 52 398