Convention Center (Contracts)_July 1976 September 1979CONVENTION CENTER (CONTRACTS) 47
(continued) Date
Memo #5815, change order #1 - increase of
$1,896.72 7/21/76
Memo #6288, repair of cooling tower fan sec- 4/20/77
tions for Convention Center, amount $7,949.00,
awarded, Airko Air Conditioning Co.
Memo #6717, full maintenance contract for 3/1/78
sound system at Convention Center and TOPA
for 5 yrs. bid amount $9,600 (1st yr.)
awarded, RCA Service Company.
Memo #6718, 360 air conditioning filters in 3/1/78
18 units of N. Convention Hall, bid amount:
$7970, awarded, Florida Filters, Inc.
Memo #7218, purchase of 52 pieces of assorted
Altec Sound equipment for Conv. Center, bid
amount: $7,117.68. Awarded to Spectrum Enter-
prises, Inc. (Application of 5%-2 week pay-
ment terms results in net bid of $6,761.80.)
Memo #7479, request for approval of concept and 5/2/79
bidding of a computerized marquee system for
Conv. Center. Concept of the 4 signs as detail-
ed in Memo #7479, approved, including noted ex-
ceptions from normal sign requirments; and Ad-
ministration authorized to advertise for bids.
Memo #7658, award of bid, safety platforms for 9/5/79
spotlights in Convention Hall, MP -125, bid
amount: $34,624.00. Administration recommenda-
tion approved.
Memo #7697, replacement of air conditioning
cooling towers for M.B. Convention Center
MP -142; Change Order No. 1; amount: $5,220.00;
extension of time: None; approved. (See Air
Conditioning & Repairs (Contracts))
Memo #7698, replacement of air conditioning
cooling towers for M.B. Convention Center,
MP -142; Change Order No. 2 (additional work);
amount: increase $7,300.00;
extension of