Ocean Front Park (77th to 87th Terr.)_October to December 1976OCEAN FRONT PARK (77th to 87th TERRACE) 50 (continued) Date advanced from bond funds for park on West side of Collins Ave. to be reimbursed from a pos- sible unused balance of Community Development block funds, and from possible creation of a new C.D. Block Grant for the open space area. City Atty. also advised that he was taking an appeal in the matter. Res. #76-15174 adopted, authorizing payment of judgments and funding method recommended by City Atty. Parcels and amounts involved, as follows: 1) Lot 5, Blk.2, ADM #1, 8111 Atlantic Way, $225,000 (Bertram & Clara Gerson); 2) Lot 6, Blk 3, ADM #2, 8501 Atlantic Way, $245,227 (Clara D. Clements); 3) Lots 3 & 4, Blk. 4, ADM #2, 8429 Atlantic Way, $467,100(Amelia K. Buckley, Exectrix of 10/20/76 OCEAN FRONT PARK (77th to 87th TERRACE) 51 (continued) Date of Est. of Isabel King); 4) Lot 1, Blk 5 & Lot w, Blk 6, ADM #2, 8345 Atlantic Way, $301,477 (Morris & Beatrice Wolland). 10/20/76 Councilman Sahl expressed dissatisfaction with 11/24/76 construction of new lifeguard stands and re- quested Administration to furnish a complete report concerning materials, specifications, etc. He directed that this matter be placed on Dec. 8, 1976 agenda as the first order of business. Memo #6081, Oceanfront Park (east side), life- 12/9/76 guard stands at No. Shore Open Space Park re- quested by Councilman Sahl, deferred to 12/15/76. OCEAN FRONT PARK (77th to 87th TERRACE) 52 Date (NOT ON AGENDA) report rendered by Mrs. Nancy 12/9/76 Bahn re: request to HUD for "Urgent Needs Funds" in connection with use of Community Development Funds for North Shore Open Space Park Project. Matter deferred to Dec. 15, 1976. Memo ##6081, lifeguard stands at No. Shore Open Space Park (deferred from 12/9/76). Pro- jects Planning Coordinator reviewed report and circumstances leading to escalating costs for design and construction of lifeguard stands. City Mgr. pointed out there were no irregu- larities and that City's normal bidding pro- cedures had been followed. City Mgr. advised that bids had been taken on the stands as 12/15/76