Ocean Frontage (Extension from 75th St. to North City Limits)_August to September 19623 S t- !`n kO,, OCEAN FRONTAGE (Extension from 75th St. A to North City Limits Hearing continued re. setbacks in Book Page bock on oceanfront between 75th and 76th Streets. Dr. Simonson revises his request, asking for a 118' setback from bulkhead line instead of 140'. Motion to deny request fails. Motion that City Atty prepare an ordinance for a setback of 118' carries. 9-5-62 45 84 1st reading deferred of ordinance creating new area district providing for 118' setback from bulkhead and placing oceanfront property in block between 75St. & 76th St. 9-19-62 45 101 OCEAN FRONTAGE (Extension from 75th St. B to North City Limits Hearing conducted re. request to Book Page create new 140' setback area between 75th and 76th Streets. Objections presented. Proponent speaks. Hearing continued to Aug. 15, 1962. 8-1-62 45 44 Hearing continued re. oceanfront setbacks in block between 75th & 76th Streets. Motion to deny request for change tabled until next regular meeting. 8-15-62 45 50