Data Processing (Contract)_November 1973 to October 1978DATA PROCESSING (Contract) 3 Meeting Date Presentation of report on evaluation of alternative computer systems, by Peat, Marwick, Mitchell and Company. Purchase of Burroughs Corporation. Computer System approved as recommended by Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co. Contract filed in City Clerk special agreements file. Item #55A. Memo 4510 -Approval of requisition for six months rental of IBM Computer. Issuance of requisition in amount of $22,014.00 approved. 4/17/74 Purchase of computer systems supportive soft- 6/19/74 ware(Memo 4610) --withdrawn by City Mgr. 11/21/73 DATA PROCESSING (Contract) Memo #4794, Res. #74-14506 ado ted, cooperative computer support -agreement with M.B. Federal Credit Union. 4 Date 10/16/74 Memo #5215A revised, Res. #75-14753 adopted, 6/18/75 authorizing execution of contract with HUD, for grant of $82,151, demonstration grant for Computer System Transferability Studies.*(Notice can elladtTS kecei&ye� in CCi Reit) 2/3/76; let - Memo o es, ounce i e , Memo #5326, leasing of Computer Time. Withdrawn 9/18/75 by City Manager. Memo #6076, purchase and lease purchasing approved, in amount of $30,435. Funding to be provided from 1972 Bond Issue and budgeted 12/9/76 DATA PROCESSING (Contract) 5 (continued) Date funds, as set forth in Council Memo #6076. 12/9/76 Memo #6221, rental payments to MB Federal 3/2/77 Credit Union, and associated electrical costs, thru June, 1977, approved. Appropriation of $6,000 from Public Works Title II Funds, to cover, authorized. (See Public Works Title II Funds card) Memo #7111, purchase of data entry equipment, 10/4/78 purchase amount: $6,245.00. Equipment pur- chase from IBM Corp. approved as follows: 2 model 029 Keypunch @$1,227 each ($2,454 total), 1 model 059 Verifier #$1,092 and 1 model 129 Keypunch -Verifier #$2,699.