Open-Air Establishments_September 1970 to April 1972OPEN-AIR ESTABLISHMENTS 2 Meeting date ..to be advised no extensions of deadline granted, per Ord.1836. 9-2-70 Acceleration of enforcement of Ord. re storefront closings, suggested by Mr. Goodman. ..RES.13280 calling hearing 6-23 amending zoning Ord. prohibiting open -space sales, etc. 1-6-71 5-5-71 Adm. to furnish status report re enforcemt of regulatns. 6-2-71 OPEN-AIR ESTABLISHMENTS (OPEN FRONT STORES) 3 Meeting date Hearing cont'd. to 7-21 amending zoning Ord. prohibiting open -space sa1as. ...ORD.1888, " SEE CARDS 3A,B,C,D,I for 3/1/72 to 2/1,7/73 Atty. Bernard Frank requested Council to rescind the amendment to the Code (Ord.1915) requiring all merchandise to be sold within wholly enclosed buildings. A motion to repeal the ordinance failed to receive a second. 6-23-71 8-4-71 12/6/72 12/6/72 OPEN-AIR ESTABLISHMENTS (OPEN FRONT STORES) 1/ Councilman Greene requested City Atty. to prepare ordinance to tighten requirements for 3/15/agenda Councilman Greene requested that "REVISED" ordinance providing for closing of store- fronts be prepared by City Atty. and scheduled for Council action on 4/5/72. Action deferred to 4/19/72 on proposed amendment to Code , Chapter 16, by adding sections pertaining to the enclosure of all store fronts. Councilman Green advised the City Atty. that ordinance was not restrictive enough; that questio n of door openings was not clearly set Meeting Date 3/1/72 3/15/72 4/5/72