Open Air Establishments (Open Front Stores)_April to December 1972OPEN AIR ESTABLISHMENTS (OPEN FRONT STORES) 3B Meeting Date City Atty. requested to revise ordinance to prevent any open store fronts and to include such other provisions as will accomplish the purpose, and at the request of Councilman Greene, submit the ordinance to him in advance of inclusion in the Council package. 4/5/72 Consideration of an amendment to Chapter 16 of the Code by adding a new section regulating manner of selling merchandise, deferred to 5/3/72 and City Atty. requested to confer with Planning & Zoning Director and Senior Zoning Inspector in interim 4/19/72 OPEN-AIR ESTABLISHMENTS (OPEN FRONT STORES) 3C Meeting Date Re: "open front" stores, Ord.passed amending Chapter 16 by adding ec. 16.78 - 16.78.4, prohibiting sales of merchandise except from fully enclosed buildings. Hearing re: adoption of amendment to Chapter 16 of Code re: sales of merchandise except from within a bldg. and Ord. #1915 adopted. amending Chapter 16, adding Sec. 16.78.1-16.78.4 establishing regulations; prohibits sale of mdse. except from within a building. 5/3/72 5/17/72 OPEN-AIR ESTABLISHMENTS (OPEN FRONT STORES) 4 Meeting Dat( City Atty. Public Works Director and City Mgr. were requested to consult with Mr. Frank and return to Council at a subsequent Council meeting with alternates or a suggested amendment to the existing code wherein those establishments which have complied at great expense with existing ordinance will not have made such corrections unnecessarily. 12/6/72 It was the concensus of Council that there should be no shutting down of any stores during this {period. 12/6/72 City Mgr. recommended against repeal of existing ordinances. 12/6/72