"P" Miscellaneous_June 1963 to July 1973"P" MISCELLANEOUS 95
Book Page
No action on request of Harry Plissner
that proposed racial discrimination
ordinance be discussed. Mayor Richard
advised that Tobias Simon had been
contacted and that ordinance would not
be placed on agenda until full Council
is present. 6-19-63 46 9
Harry Plissner asks Council to discuss
proposed ordinance re. use of public
accommodations. Proposed ordinance
to be sent to Bi -Racial Committee for
study and recommendation. 7-17-63 46 36
Progressive Natl.Baptist Convention:
sent MB wire protesting lack of negro
employees on MB.
Meeting date
Alfred Penfield, Sr.: presented award
for service beyond duty, from CC, City Mgr. 3-20-70
Peru Disaster aid: requested by Victor
Schiro, Pres. Inter -Amer. Municip. Org.
City Mgr. to initiate program.
John Poulos commended, RES.13097, re
Bayshore work. 9-2-70
Meeting date
Albert Penfield: RES.13191 in
appreciatn for services on Pension Bd. 1-6-71
At request of Mr. Paul, matter of necessity
to prohibit buildings on City parks or
lands intended for park use will be heard
4/19/72 4/5/72
Request by Harry Plissner, of Morton Towers Civic
Club to present plan to bring culture,
education & young people to Miami Beach. To be
placed on July18 agenda. 6/6/73
Appearance by Mr. Harry Plissner, representing
the Morton Towers Civic Club, to present a plan
to bring culture, education and young people to M.B.7/18/7: