"P" Miscellaneous_February to June 1985"P" MISCELLANEOUS Date (Cont'd) 2/6/85 R -1A Hurricane plan and tor ord. 125 & Fire Defense Com's 5 -pt. safety fine incrs. He urged smoke detec- be adopted; expressed dissatisfac- tion w/proposed outside insps., and suggest- ed Fire Code be amd'd to remove loopholes. He also urged City to assist smaller hotels bear fin. burden to comply w/State fire safety equip. regs. He expressed dissatis- faction that Fire Defense Com. had been merged w/Hurricane Com., and suggested a sp. rept. com. be apptd. He also questioned need for 5 persons on Fire Rescue vehicles when transporting a patient to the hospital. Comrs. Arkin & Weisburd urged that a smoke "P" MISCELLANEOUS 126 Date (Cont'd) 2/6/85 detector ord. be implemented a.s.a.p. Mayor R -1A Fromberg requested proposed ord. & back-up material be distr'd to Comm. for review and placement on agenda if desired. Comr. Daoud suggested proposed ord. be reviewed and/or updated by C Atty bef. bg. distr'd to Comm. Comr. Weisburd requested Admin. to investigate options to -minimize cost to hotel owners thru ins. rebate, quantity purchase of detectors, etc., and submit rep. (see HURRICANE & FIRE DEFENSE COM., DOCTORS ON AMBULANCES) "P" MTSCDLLAMOUS Date 2/6/85 R -9B 6/26/85 R -1A 127 Discussion re. Hurricane & Tire Defense Com. mtg.; fines for violations & incr'g those fines; & diff. bet. hotels & apts.; not reached - def. to 2/20/85. However, during discussion of item R -1A, Harry Plissner expressed opposition to proposed fine incr. for locked fire exits as not bg. a deterrent for the violation. (see HURRICANE & FIRE DEFENSE COMMITTEE) Memo 372-85, Harry Plissner appeared rep'g the Com. for Better Govt. for MB and sub- mitted petition for Charter chg. to provide for Strong Mayor form of govt. City Clerk