Parks Superintendent & Parks_August 1941 to January 1942 / January 1964 to February 1968i PARKS SUPERINTENDENT & PARk3 Discussion as to Latour's discharge BOOK- 7.,PAGE 311 See "Beach & Park Regulations" City Mgr.authorized to employ man to handle landscaping and/io i work $180.appropriated for purchase of poinsettia plants 1/7/42 20 420 21 130 PARK DEPT. Book Page Mayor to send letter to Rotary Club of Kingston, Jamaica, that Mr. Poulos would not be available , due to job commitments, to go to supervise their beautification program. 1-15-64 46 400 Letter from Tropical Garden Club protesting use of library at Garden Center for office purposes by Park Supt. No action. 1-15-64 46 400 Permission granted Park Supt. John Poulos to attend Intl Congress for Park Administration (representing U.S.) to be held in Monaco 5-1 to 5-22-65 incl. $600. authorized for ucf. 4-7-65 48 520 PARK DEPT.Boole Page John P. Poulos reappointed Park Supt. 6-16-65 49 112 Res. #12360 adopted approving proposal of Metro re. landscaping & beautification of Julia Tuttle Causeway based on State of Florida paying for maintenance of same. 2-21-68 53 35 City Manager to negotiate for purchase of exhibitors' equipment following trade showings in Convention Hall at price he approves. Increase in Parks Division budget approved rot to exceed $26,175.00. 1-15-69 54 153