Parking Areas & Parking Lots_December 1968 to April 1969PARKING AREAS & PARKING LOTS Four parking areas approved; applications filed with records of meeting. 12-4-68 54 56 Parking area and parking lot applications approved: Miami Beach First National Bank, 1681 West Avenue (new); 7134 Carlyle Avenue (new); Olsen Hotel, 7300 Ocean Terrace (renewal); Allison Hotel Parking Lot, 6413 Indian Creek Drive (renewal). 12-18-68 54 100 Parking area applications approved: Peter Miller Hotel Apts., 229-41 19th Street; Orlowsky Apts., 1561 West Avenue (new); Southern Sands Hotel Apts., 8100 Byron (renewal). 1-2-69 54 131 400 BOOK PAGE PARKING AREAS & PARKING LOTS New parking area approved: Drexel Parking, 225 - 37th Street; renewal parking lot approved: Dorchester Hotel, 1850 Collins Avenue. 1-15-69 54 153 Renewal area -Betty Houston, 4211 Indian Creek Dr. Renewal lots -Chandler's Rest., 220=21st St.; Deluxe Parking, 1539 Washington Ave. rear; and White's Gulf Serv., 1623 Alton Rd. 2/5/69 54 176 401 BOOK PAGE Appls. approved as set out in memo. Copies sent to affected depts. - 2/26/69 54 231 Memo. 1908 PARKING AREAS & PARKING LOTS 402 BOOK PAGE 18 new appls. as listed in Memo 1940 - approved 3/5/69 54 264 5 applications approved (Memo 1981) 3/19/69 54 279 Applications for new & renewals approved as per Memo 2004. 4/2/69 54 325 Renewals: Duval Apts.,2124 Verdun Drive; West Ave.Parking, 1560 West Ave. 4/16/69 54 364 Renewal: Capricorn Apts.,3927 Indian Creek Dr., Memo 2075. 5/12/69 54 421