Parking Areas & parking Lots_January to March 1970PARKING AREAS & PARKING LOTS 408 Meeting date Proposed amendmt to Chap.27 of Code deferred until after a meeting of Parking Committee is held. (Magnes request) 1-28-70 1st, 2nd readings amending Code re landscaping requirements (Chap.27 -or- Metro Ord. 67-75) . 1-28-70 0R0.1809 re above. 2-4-70 CC requested written legal opinion re parking variance with application for bldg. permit. 2-4-70 PARKING AREAS & PARKING LOTS 409 Meeting date Scharf Apts.-157 So.Shore Dr: City Mgr. requested by Parking Committee to appraise vacant lot re utilization of dead-end street, cost, etc. of project. also- Scharf application for operation of 4 -car area. 1st, 2nd readings amendg Sec.27.3 of Code enforcing Chap.27, regulating parkg lots. Written opinion of City Atty in minutes, re parking variances prior to ord. 2-6-69 complying with zoning ord. PARKING AREAS & PARKING LOTS Scharf Apts.- application deferred to 3-18-70. (see card 409) ....deferred to 3-18. 2-4-70 2-18-70 2-18-70 410 Meeting date 2-18-70 3-4-70 MB 1st Natl. Bank: extension of lease at 17th St. and Lenox Av., deferred to 3-18. 3-4-70 City Atty. to submit opinion. Scharf Apts: application denied; costs report by City Mgr. for improving lots in area for parking. Mr.Weinstein requested study of parking at Conv. Hall. 3-20-70 3-4-70