Parking Areas & parking Lots_October 1970 to November 1971PARKING AREAS & PARKING LOTS Ord. amending Chap. 27 passed on 2nd reading. ....ORD.1854,new procedures in operation of lots, license fee, etc. Food Fair: CC rejected application, as applicant absent at time. Objectors' complaints. ....Application reconsidered; hearing on 12-16. 414 Meeting date Lot permits to be issued by City Clerk - 1st, 2nd readings, amend'g Zon'g Ord. .....ORD.1858. 10-21-70 11-4-70 11-4-70 11-25-70 11-25-70 12-2-70 PARKING AREAS & PARKING LOTS 415 Meeting Date Food Fair: hearing held to re- consider application re West Ave. - 10th St. Motion to grant permit FAILED. 12-16-70 Ord. to be amended re setbacks. 12-16-70 1795 Purdy Ave: request for use for pvt.parking removed from agenda by Atty. Brian Hersh.(Saxon Dev. Co.) 3-3-71 1795 Purdy Ave: Saxon Development request for pvt. parking DENIED. 4-21-71 PARKING AREAS & PARKING LOTS Saxon rep., Daniel Heller, requested reconsideration at future date. Motion (Powell) carried, denying reconsideration. 5-5-71 Saxon request for agenda placement DL ED. 6-23-71 416 Meeting Date All City parking lots to adhere to landscaping requirements re pvt. parking 9-15-71 Greene requested City Mgr. status report re improvement of lights in City parking lots. 11-17-71