Electrical Equipment And Related Items Book_June 1966 to February 1969ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT AND RELATED ITEMS rY Book Page Contract for transformer vault for Flamingo Park baseball field awarded to Herzog Construction Co., $6,006. 6-22-66 50 380 Contract for Magnesium Anodes for Shop Stock awarded to Stuart Steel Protection Corp., $1,036.40. 7-20-66 50 429 Contract for transformers and sockets for warehouse stock awarded to Raybro Elec. Supply, $5,542. 3-1-67 51 420 ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT AND RELATED ITEMS Contract awarded to General Electric Co. ($7,044) for one base station ($1,743) and 9 mobile radio units ($5,301). 1-17-68 13 BOOK PAGE 52 523 Contract awarded to Raybro Electric Supply Co. for electrical equipment for street light installations for $4,550.38. 4-17-68 53 149 Contract awarded to A & B Utility and Supply for Brass Corporation stops and lead to iron unions for $6,140.00. (Bid #267) 11-6-68 53 564 ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT & RELATED ITEMS Bid #309 for street lighting materials as follows: Item 1 - Raybro Elec.-$11,160 r' 2 - Graybar r' - 8,190 3 - Allied r' - 5,746 4 - Gen. Elec.Supply-$1,066.50 5 - Consolidated Southern Elec. -$37,665 6 - Consolidated Southern Elec. -$1,152.50 2/5/69 14 BOOK PAGE 54 171 rr rr rr rr 54 173 54, 17