Parking Areas & Parking Lots_May 1972 to March 1973PARKING AREAS & PARKING LOTS
Meeting Date
Mr. Thomas Brady appeared and asked for a
1 yr. extension of agreement to lease 26
off-street parking spaces and Council voted
to extend to Aug. 17, 1972. RES. 13619
adopted at existing rate. Mr. Brady was
advised he could request further extensions.
Memo 3528, Notice of application by Food
Fair Stores for use (off-street parking lot)
at 10th St. & Alton Rd. Hearing set for
June 28, 1972 at 4 P.M.
Recommendation approved that an expenditure
of a sum not to exceed $415,000 from the
Surplus Fund of the Metered Parking System,
for upgrading of lighting in 54 of City's off stret
Meeting Date
parking areas with Lucalox lights be
authorized. Note: Mayor Hall's re-
quest that he anc City Mgr. survey
some streets for trial Lucalox light
installations met with no objections.
Request of Atty. W.K.Chester, for Food Fair stores,
granted conditional use as recommended by
Planning Bd. with add'l. conditions imposed
by Council re: revised site plan for parking
lot on Lots 12,13,14,Block 84, 3rd Commercial
subdivision N.E. corner 10 St. & West Ave.
City Council voted to approve recommendation
of M.B.Planning Bd. for use of Lots 12,13 & 14,
Block 84, 3rd Commercial Sub. (N.E. corner of
Meeting Date
10 St. & West Ave.) as a Conditional use for
a parking lot in accordance with a revised site
plan submitted to the Planning Bd. and made a
part of their files; and the following conditions
added by Council :
1. There will be a wall erected on alley side of
property (with openings for entrance )
2. Food Fair will enter a covenant running with
land providing there will be no building ever
constructed on property now in use as parking lot.
3. There will be no parking of trucks; no loading
or unloading of trucks on new parking area.
4. landscaping will be in conformity with rendering
furnished to Council at March 21 meeting (to be a
part of Planning Dept.'s file for this property. 3/21/73