Parking Areas & Parking Lots_January 1975 to January 1978PARKING AREAS & PARKING LOTS 426
(cont'd) Date
Parking Lot for Barnett Bank of M.B.
Conditional use approved based on amended plan
as presented to Council and later delivered to
Public Works Director.
Applicant will comply with City and County
landscaping regulations. 1/15/75
Request of Atty. for Jefferson Nat'l Bank for 5/21/75
Council waiver of Sec. 16-2(A), Zoning Ord.
#1891, so that he may file application to re-
zone Lot 1, Blk 2, Orchard Subd. #4, (4200 Pine
Tree Dr.) from RS -3, Single -Family Use to a
use which will permit parking of vehicles for
clients of the Bank. To be placed on June 4,
1975 agenda.
Memo #5220, light fixtures and lamps for
Lincoln Rd. Double Deck Parking Lot,awarded
Consolidated Electrical Dist., quoting
$3,434.36 for 46 fixtures and to Graybar
Electric Co. quoting $639.40 for lamps, for
total bid of $4,073.76.
Memo #5690, "Special"Parking Permit Fee recom- 5/5/76
mendation for 4th level of new garage, with-
drawn by City Manager.
Commissioner Weinstein requested Administration 1/18/78
to review City's present policy of issuing park-
ing citations, particularly in the vicinity of
Convention Center Complex, during the time of