Parking Committee_November 1963 to January 1964PI' RKING COMMITTEE / Book Page Councilman Turchin resents report containing recommendations of Special Council committee appointed to study possible amendments to Zoning Ord. in connection with off-street parking require- ments for multiple family construction. Clerk to send copies of recommendations to organizations such as Taxpayers, etc. and Council members. Matter to be considered at next regular meeting. 11-20-63 46 297 Letter from M. B. Apt. Ass'n favoring 3 for 2 parking read and filed. 12-4-63 46 321 PARKING COMMITTEE Book 0Page Communication from Parking Committee in connection with purchase of Lots 17 & 18, Blk 27, Alton Beach First Sub., 1717-1725 James Avenue, for off-street parking. City Mgr. instructed to continue negotiations concerning this property and to bring the Parking Committee some additional appraisals of other parcels in the area. 12-4-63 46 322 Report of Parking Committee re. acquisition of James Ave. property for parking. Discussion re. need for this property. Motion to indicate to Parking Committee that Council is interested in acquiring this property fails. Clerk to notify Parking Committee secretary accordingly. 12-18-63 46 337 PARKING COMMITTEE Book Page City Mgr. states limitation re. 30 unit buildings contained in Mr. Turchin's report justified. Mr. Englander says he was concerned with over-all parking requirements for commercial as well as residential units. Matter deferred until later date,pending addl study of over-all parking requirements in connection with hospitals, office bldgs. etc. 12-18-63 46 349 Parking Committee to submit report re. cost of acquisition of property in 80th St. area, also land north of 46th Street, 1-15-64 46 387