Parking Committee_January 1964 to March 1966PARKING COMMITTEE Book Page Council defers further discussion of proposed changes in parking require- ments made By Councilman Turchin's committee. 1-15-64 46 397 Recommends expansion of Metered Parking System;, that Council take necessary steps to issue addl $1,500,000 parking revenue bonds to expand parking facilities. Recommendation accepted. 2-5-64 46 406 Councilman Turchin advises that "Item 4 - hospitals, 1 parking space for each hospital bed; has been added to the special report of Nov. 19, 1963. Council votes to approve this report on ,cont.) PARKING COMMITTEE (cont.) the Committee's recommendations as to amending the Zoning ordinance. 2-5-64 46 411 City Mgr to arrange meeting with Council to discuss changes in parking regulations as proposed by Councilman Turchin's committee, prior to calling of the zoning hearing on same. 12-2-64 47 382 Book /6•Page Proposition that City acquire property at 13th and Collins for parking purposes referred to Parking Committee. 5-5-65 49 63 PARKING COMMITTEE Book `Page Councilmen Englander, Richard & Turchin appointed members of Parking Committee. 7-21-65 49 184 Proposal to lease or sell property to City for parking lot purposes referred to Parking Committee for recommendations. (Binder proposal) Offer extended to March 16, 1966 2-16-66 50 113 Report of Parking Committee re. above proposal. LT. C. Duffield authorized to negotiatewir.B nder, nd present proposal council at next meeting. 3=16-66 50 185