Parking Committee_June 1966 to July 1968i2. PARKING COMMITTEE Book Page Action deferred on recommendations of Parking Committee to install new meters in Lincoln Lane Parking Deck to extend time and rate on first level and extend time on second level, necessitating pur— chase of 1142 meters at approx. cost of $60,000. 6-22-66 50 382 Councilman Powell authorized to attend meeting called by Parking Authority of Chicago on 11-22-23-66 with ,manufacturers of cans to discuss re -design of can tops so they cannot be substituted for coins in parking meters. All members of Parking Committee of Nat'l League of Citi¢;ljnuyibtgd. 51 165 PARKING COMMITTEE City Manager requests appointment of Committee members. Mayor advises he will make appointments 8/9/67. 7-25-67 Mayor appoints Councilmen Ciment, Englander and Powell. 8-9-67 Re. 8/21/67 meeting, Committee decided against on -street parking within intersection of W.48 St. & W.47 Court and south side of W.48 St. Could not recommend acquisition of northwest corner of 42 St. and Pine Tree Drive but survey to be conducted to determine need for additional parking on 42 St. from Royal Palm Avenue to ig BOOK PAGE 52 148 52 182 PARKING COMMITTEE 20 BOOK PAGE Pine Tree Drive. City Manager to secure appraisal of vacant lot on ocean at 75 St. Could not recom- mend acquisition of Breitbart property for parking purposes. Could not recommend reduction to 5 per hour at Collins Avenue & 46 St. or grant special parking privileges to Hotel Employees Union mem- bers. City Manager to request JCI to consider corner of 73rd St. & Dickens Ave. as possible JCI headquarters site. 9-6-67 52 257 J. McElligott communication re. 35th Street beach conditions referred to Committee. 7-17-68 53 332